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Re: Sandblasting Questions

To: "Keith McGahan" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Sandblasting Questions
From: (Gano, Ken)
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 07:24:19 -0500charset="iso-8859-1"
References: <>
Doing a TR3 in the backyard cost $150.00 for sand $75.00 for compressor
rental and I wore out (completely) one nozzel on my sand pot (Maybe $5-$10 I
have never replaced it) and several face shields and created one hell of a
mess.  Not recommeded.  I would pay $400 - $600 if I had to do it again,
just to avoid the mess.

My $0.02

Ken Gano

----- Original Message -----
From: Keith McGahan <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 1999 2:41 PM
Subject: Sandblasting Questions

> I have been looking into have TR4 sandblasted. All the parts have been
> removed and the tub is sitting on the frame, I want to have the engine
> trunk and interior and possibly the underside sandblasted. (1)My first
> questions is should I remove the Tub from the frame and have the frame
> sandblasted. The frame is rust free and looks in great shape, I and can't
> really see a reason to sandblast the frame, any suggestions. I have made
> several telephone calls for sandblasting and the prices have ranged from
> $450-$1300.(2) My second question is what have other people paid to have
> there car sandblasted.(3) My third question is I have the option from a
> places to do it by any hourly rate, does any know about how long it take
> sandblast a TR4. (4) My final questions, I live in Seattle, WA, does
> know of a good place to have this done in Seattle.

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