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RE: Battery peculiarities question

Subject: RE: Battery peculiarities question
From: Egil Kvaleberg <>
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 15:50:22 GMT
Organization: Siving Egil Kvaleberg AS
References: <> <000101bead01$2ac86020$>
On 2 Jun 1999, Chris Lillja wrote:

> John, they're kinda' absurdly expensive (from Moss anyway, but what isn't?)
> but those "Optima" batteries seem exactly what your looking for.

I'm really not sue. These batteries are far from indestructible, either.
AFAIK, no common chargeable battery technology is particularly happy being
left for long periods in a discharged state. 

The best practical way to store lead-acid batteries is to keep them
constantly connected to a charger that maintains the correct trickle
charging voltage - 13-something volts (somewhat depending on

A ordinary car charger is not, repeat *NOT*, suitable. We're not speaking
rocket technology here - it is just that ordinary chargers are so
incredibly crude devices.

Some "electronic" chargers may be suitable, otherwise any well regulated
power supply that can have the voltage set to 13-something and deliver
100 mA will do.

Failing this, a quick recharge every month or so is quite OK too, if you
can manage (I've tried, but failed). Leaving a crude charger connected
for extended periods will quickly destroy any battery. 

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Mail:  Egil Kvaleberg, Husebybakken 14A, 0379 Oslo, Norway

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