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RE: Battery peculiarities question

To: "Peter Zaborski" <>, "Triumphs@Autox. Team. Net" <>
Subject: RE: Battery peculiarities question
From: "Chris Lillja" <>
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 18:08:06 -0400charset="iso-8859-1"
Importance: Normal
>mm... Chris, please don't take this the wrong way but...

No offense taken! Everybody has a "comfort level," rational or irrational as
the case may be. :>) Hey, sometimes I ride an old British motorcycle!

>What is it about stuff plugged in in the garage that makes it special? I
>am assuming you don't unplug your garage door opener...

I unplug that too, for security reasons. Modern electrical code also
requires garage door openers to be permanently wired with their own circuit.
(At least in my town.)I'll get around to that someday.

What makes corded electrical stuff special is the unusual proximity (in the
garage) to lots of highly flammable, volatile liquids, solids, and gases.

I also don't spend as much time in the garage as I'd like, so I feel that a
small fire in the garage is more likely to get out of control before it's

What makes a battery tender even more special is the fact that it's attached
to a car battery -- yet an other avenue of possible failure, fire, mayhem. I
use my battery disconnect switch, too...

...and LOTS OF SMOKE ALARMS (darn near every room) with fresh dry cell

All IMHO...

Chris Lillja
'66 TR4A
'74 Norton Commando 850
'71 Spit MKIV

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