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Re: Ramblings on Speed Limits

Subject: Re: Ramblings on Speed Limits
From: "Joseph M. Kramlinger" <>
Date: Thu, 2 May 1996 10:12:00 -0600 (EDT)
Wow, this thread really has continued on for a long time!  It seems 
the general consensus is a backlash against localities and 
municipalities with little dark beady eyes greedily calculating the 
profits of preying on innocent drivers rather than the dire 
consequences of other drivers' actions.  We cannot control how lousy 
other people may be or have influence on their little impotent brains, 
but we can control our response to getting tickets.
        Next time I get a ticket, I'll take it to court and offer to 
perform community service or donate an equal (possibly double) amount 
of money to a local charity or organization aimed at helping the 
community (ie Habitat for Humanity, tutoring groups, after-school 
programs for children) instead of paying the ticket.  Community 
service sounds good to me because this summer I'm working 15 hours a 
week on an unpaid internship for one senator's office in DC and 
another 50 hours a week in a couple other firms to earn my share of 
tuition for school and lessen my loans.  It couldn't hurt to force a  
judge to let me perform something good for the community or admit 
their system is corrupt.  Smack!  Score one for the drivers!
        Oh yeah, roll back the clock to pre 1975 levels when the rest 
of America was driving boats.  The majority of America's population 
was born before 1975 and is still alive, so something must have worked 
back then.  Besides for the idiots out there, there are airbags and 
insurance premiums to break their pathetic little souls.
        Joey Kramlinger
        Boston College

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