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Re: Who's who

Subject: Re: Who's who
Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2002 21:44:07 -0500
I am Simon Carson and live in Montreal, Quebec (Canada). Work for Pfizer
Canada and am responsible for Market Research in Canada for VIAGRA (I sit
behind the glass in focus groups and listen to physicians and regular guys
talk about their ED and VIAGRA - it's very interesting).

I've had a '69 1600 a.k.a. "the Dudester" for 10 years and it's almost
completely redone (not to the standards of some of yours I'm sure). I get
stopped at least once a day (no exaggeration) asking what kind of car it is.
I don't think they ever made it here in their original days. I decided this
year to continue supporting Nissan and dropped Honda to buy a new Altima.
Great car so far.

Other than that - I'm 34, been happily married for 6 years with a 21-month
old son and another little one on the way in March... thank god I spent all
that money on the car before kids came along!

All the best,
'69 1600
Montreal, quebec>

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