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Who's who

Subject: Who's who
From: Tom Duffy <>
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2002 21:03:04 -0800
I'm Tom Duffy, a 32 year old Englishman living in Sunnyvale, CA. I moved
here with my wife Mika 3 years ago after being in Tokyo for 8 years.
We both rode Motorbikes back in Japan, but we needed cars for the US.
The first was a boring but reliable Saturn, and then we started looking for
a second car. We wanted to buy something for cash, so it had to be cheap.
It came down to a '72 VW Beetle and a '68 SPL311. I test drove both,
and the beetle just didn't feel right. We went up to see the Datsun in
San Francisco, and test drove it up and down a couple of those hills. Boy
did I
sweat, backing it out of a narrow parking space up a hill backwards.
The brakes were a little soft, and it felt like it wasn't going to come to a
stop at the bottom of the hills (now there's a re-occuring dream for you..)
But the machine still felt solid, and it just seemed like it would be a lot
fun to have an open car in Cal., which is the reason the PO gave for
buying it previously. We mulled over it for a week, and decided to go for
it. Now I think that if we move out of CA back to Japan or the UK,
SPL311-18335 (Red, originally Silver, according to Mike Young) is going
with us for sure.

I speak and read Japanese fluently, so if anyone needs any Datsun
related stuff translated, I'm available.
Oh, and my job, I'm a Embedded systems Engineer for a Japanese
company designing and programming Pro Audio products.

Having lived in an apartment for 3 years, we're finally renting a house
with a garage, so the Datsun will now be getting much more attention
than a once a week wash and tweak.


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