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Re: TR3 Rear Springs

Subject: Re: TR3 Rear Springs
From: "TeriAnn Wakeman" <>
Date: Mon, 19 Dec 94 14:35:35 -0800
In message <> Paul Wiegman writes:

> Finally, a tribute to Teri Wakeman.  With a heated garage (65 F) , 
> concrete floor, and lots of light, it took 14 years to get this TR3 on 
> the road.  

14 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh please not me too

When you replace the front mount bolts, dose them with a coating of anti-sieze 

I think mine were identical (read not 100% sure).  The side with the extra 
spacers would probably go on the driver's side.  This would give the car a more 
even height if there is only one person in the car, or if the person in the 
passanger seat is a lot lighter thasn the one in the drivers seat.

SOme rust converters leave a unconverted layer where there is no rust to convert
and seems to be water permiable and can easily bee peeled off in a sheet.  I 
found this out the hard way.  Look at the label before purchasing.  Try some on 
metal then follow it up with some water after it drys to make extra sure before 
commiting the bottom of your TR3 to it.  There is a lot to be said about sand 
blasting the underside. painting it them undercoating.

My car originally had undercoating over bare metal on the underside of the tub. 
I found rust following crack lines where the 30+ year old undercoating dried & 
cracked.  I found rusted areas where a hole had let moisture in & it spread  
under the undercoating loosinging it.

There was paint under the undrecoating on the front inner wings.  The 
undercoating adheared much better, and where it was peirced the paint was there 
to protect the metal.  The undercoating sand blasted off much easier where there
was no paint underneath.

My TR3 got paint & spray-on undercoating.

This last weekend was dry..except for the ground I got to lay in.

I got the oil filter adaptor installed (difficult with oil cooler adaptor under 
it); the engine & transmission mounts tightened down (ground strap on one engine
mount); shift lever attached; front generator arm & pedistal installed; top 
shock tower brace installed; lower bellhousing cover, clutch slave cylinder & 
mounting attached; lower blow by tube attached; finned Al valve cover in place; 
starter motor, and heater valve assembly installed.  It doesn't seem like a 
whole lot but it took a lot of time considering I am using all new fixings & had
to make a few hardware store trips to get misc bolts, nuts & such.

I got the radiator cleaned up but it wasn't warm nor dry enough to paint.  

So the fifth anniversary of my starting to dsissassemble the once and future TR3
went by with some progress.  If the weather cooperates (hah!) its concivable 
that the front valance may be on the car by the end of the year.

TeriAnn Wakeman        Large format photographers look at the world     upside down and backwards     

TeriAnn Wakeman        Large format photographers look at the world     upside down and backwards     

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