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Re: autox insurance

To: Rocky Entriken <>,
Subject: Re: autox insurance
From: "Pat Kelly" <>
Date: Sat, 22 Dec 2001 08:40:20 -0800
State Farm? I also had a decent agent, and before I bought my Lotus 7A, I
checked with him to make sure it would be covered. "Yes," was the answer. So
I bought it with a bank loan, and added it to the policy, along with my 3
liter Healey. 
About two weeks later, my agent called and asked if I'd drive the 7 down so
he could take pictures. "Sure," I said, and you guessed it, within a month
the bank called to say the policy had been pulled on BOTH cars. I asked my
agent why, and said there is a clause somewhere in the policy that State
Farm wouldn't insure right-hand drive cars unless they are used for
delivering the mail.
So onto the assigned risk rolls for both cars.
--Pat Kelly
>From: "Rocky Entriken" <>
>To: "David Cramer" <>, "Dave Whitworth"
<>, <>
>Subject: Re: autox insurance
>Date: Fri, Dec 21, 2001, 10:22 PM

>Not all insurance companies have the same clauses in their contracts.
>Not all branches of the SAME insurance companies have the same clauses in
>all their contracts.
>Just because Idjit Insurance in Idaho has a "timed event" clause in its
>insurance contracts, does not mean Idjit Insurance in Indiana has the same
>Read your policy. Look for language like that that might make a claim
>refused. If you find it, change to another company. Ask the agent up front
>if you are covered for Solo, for track schools, etc.
>People with State Farm have reported very good results when making a claim.
>MY State Farm tried to use the very idea that my kids MIGHT go autocrossing
>to double their LIFE insurance premiums. We went elsewhere, and took not
>only our life business, but also our car and homeowners business too.
>Obviously my experience with State Farm was not reflected in others'
>experience. The reason? That they lived in different states had a lot to do
>with it.
>And BTW, if your agent makes a representation of what your policy covers, he
>is an AGENT of the company which legally means he speaks for the company. If
>he said it, it is so. Of course, if later he lies about what he said and it
>is his word against yours and his lie is backed by policy language, you are
>likely screwed unless you have good witnesses or evidence to his original
>representation. It goes back to, read your policy. Make sure what your agent
>told you is (or is not) in there.
>(BTW, my State Farm problem was not with my agent, who is a good and honest
>man; but with his underwriters. When my problem arose, my agent told me up
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "David Cramer" <>
>To: "Dave Whitworth" <>; <>
>Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2001 6:15 PM
>Subject: Re: autox insurance
>> Ouch!
>> I have called K&K. Have you?
>> They do NOT sell individual autox insurance.
>> They sell "Event Insurance". This is not what I am seeking.
>> Don't tell me I am pissing and moaning about this.  I am trying to
>determine an
>> actual solution.  IF you are aware of one I would love to hear it.
>> And...Why shouldn't insurance companies cover this? Am I not paying my
>> bill? We are conditioned to believe that insurance companies have the
>right to
>> drop us whenever they want and to not insure us all the time.
>> I know it was my fault. But isn't that what insurance is for? To cover
>> accidents, even if they are our fault?
>> I understand your point and have accepted full responsibility for my
>> but I would like to find a solution that allows me autox without worrying
>> insurance.
>> David Cramer
>> bmw 330ci
>> bmw m3
>> honda crx si
>> Dave Whitworth wrote:
>> > Not to say that insurance companies haven't been party to some big screw
>> > jobs....
>> >
>> > And not to say that it totally sux that you hit a pole and totaled your
>> > car...because it does...
>> >
>> > But.....people in general piss and moan about insurance rates, and are
>> > pretty ruthless in finding the cheapest ones.....then expect an event
>> > autocrossing to be covered under the basic policy?
>> >
>> > If you want/need coverage while racing, call K&K and get it - I'm sure
>> > is some type of policy that will do it.....but why you would expect a
>> > regular policy to cover this is beyond me!
>> >
>> > If they cover your loss, that money eventually costs all of us in
>> > premiums....and I don't want to pay for your accident which occurred WAY
>> > outside the scope of the policy you purchased.....
>> >
>> > "This is going to cost me serious cash"
>> >
>> > It should - it was your mistake.  Life sucks, but there is a risk in any
>> > type of speed event - even autocrossing!
>> >
>> > And, no I don't work for an insurance company....
>> >
>> > DaveW
>> >
>> > ----- Original Message -----
>> > From: "David Cramer" <>
>> > To: <>
>> > Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2001 4:55 PM
>> > Subject: Re: autox insurance
>> >
>> > > I DO have progressive and I HAVE hit a pole while autoxing.  They will
>> > > NOT pay  one cent of my car that was totalled.  They sent me a letter
>> > the section # in my insurance
>> > > which states that the insurance is NULL in all "timed events" and that
>> > > they will not cover this claim.
>> > >
>> > > The key words here are "timed events". This is how the insurance
>> > > companies are going to try to get out of paying your claim.
>> > >
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