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Re: "P" rules

To: autox mailing list <>
Subject: Re: "P" rules
From: "Mark J. Andy" <>
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 09:37:15 -0500 (EST)

On Tue, 18 Dec 2001, Rocky Entriken wrote:
> Also, since I am GCR I believe I have to meet GCR weight, which for my car
> is 1680 with driver, as opposed to the Solo rulebook weight, which is 1405
> without driver. Trust me, I may be overweight but I'm not 275 pounds! Much
> of that increase is due to newer cage rules (I have to have an 8-point cage
> now). However, this is also one I believe I could sneak past tech really
> easily if I wanted to.

Wow, I _really_ don't think that's correct.  If it was, I could run a
"real" GT1 camaro in CP at the GT1 weight (which is like what, 2.4k lbs?).
I know that's not allowed...

> The weight penalty is only for items for which, if prepared stricltly to the
> Solo rules, would still incur the penalty. An example is given in 15.11.B --
> fuel injection modifications. If you have fuel injection and you modify it,
> you must take the penalty even if it is basically legal in GCR. Prepare to
> the Solo II rules and modify the injection, you still take the penalty.
> OTOH, if you have injection in your GCR car and do NOT modify it, you do NOT
> take the penalty. It's a modification penalty, not a GCR penalty.

No (IMHO obviously).  For instance, there is no way via the existing
soloII rules to run a motor setback in CP.  The only way you can do this
is via the "in excess" part of the prepared rules that lets you run
to GT specs for a 10% weight penalty that we're talking about.

> > That may be the intent, but if so the rules state it pretty poorly.
> > There's smart guys on the PAC, I think if they wanted only what you
> > describe the rules would clearly say that.
> I agree the rules state it poorly. However, it wasn't the PAC that wrote the
> rule. The rule existed pre-PAC.

Well, I'll agree that the rules state it poorly _if_ that's the intent.
On the other hand, if the intent is to provide other avenues of
modification, the rules state it just fine, you just have to read what's
there vs. put outside assumptions on it.


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