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Re: "P" rules

To: "Mike Smith" <>, <>
Subject: Re: "P" rules
From: "Rocky Entriken" <>
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2001 16:15:24 -0600
> Since SCCA does things in order of listing what is permitted, and then
> saying that which isn't listed, is prohibited, it's not a matter of being
> half-legal, but being half-prepped.
> If there's something that the GCR permits, but would hurt your Solo
> you don't HAVE to do it. You can NOT do it, and still be GCR legal.
> Just because GT-1 has a limit on how wide your car can be, doesn't mean
> have to make it that wide. In fact, since it says nothing about how narrow
> it can be, you're free to make it as narrow as you might wish, as long you
> don't run afoul of any of the other rules you're following.
> Mike

I don't totally agree, but the disagreement has more to do with things that
are not "preparation" per se -- as far as making the car go quicker. Section
15.11 is the rule that permits GCR-legal cars.

Example: Solo rules do not require fuel cells. But if I have something on my
car that is a GCR-prep item and I am claiming it is legal because I am
prepared to GCR (especially if it might NOT be legal under the solo rules),
then I have to meet the things that are REQUIRED of me in GCR unless the
Solo rulebook makes an exception. There is a short list of such exceptions
under 15.11.A, but fuel cell is not among them. Thus, I deduce I must have
the cell if I claim to be prepared to GCR (and I have most of the other
excepted items too, but for solo I could legally remove things like my
windscreen, on-board fire system, scattershield, because they are
specifically excepted).

In my case it is a no-brainer since I race it too. Frankly, I don't worry if
this or that is solo-legal, only if it is GCR-legal. But if you are thinking
of electing GCR-prep for a car used strictly for solo, you probably need to
be aware of such things.

As far as what GCR PERMITS (which often DOES have to do with preparation
items), Mike is dead on.

>Jim McKamey has expressed to me that he thinks that the rules say "up to"
>and not GCR completely legal.  While I think they say as you fear, one way
>all the way or no way.  Which is how Rocky sees it too.  You can't be half
>GCR legal and be GCR legal.

> James Rogerson

Indeed the book does say "up to" but IMHO it is the same thing. The language
is "Vehicles prepared in excess of Solo II allowances but prepared up to the
current GTCS..." or in the next section, "...prepared up to and listed in
the current PCS...".

It does appear there is missing in Section 15.11 any language that you
cannot mix rulebooks. However, I have seen similar rules in a number of
other applications and there is ALWAYS the caveat that you cannot mix rules.
It exists in the Solo book in contexts such as you cannot mix category rules
(can't use the SP free-carb rule in P, for example) or allowances for cars
on different lines of the car-listing pages. All-or-nothing has been the
practice in every similar situation, and I'd not be surprised to find there
is a rule somewhere else in the Solo II rules, just not in this section,
that applies here too.

I also think "prepared up to" is construed as "prepared according to these
(GCR) rules" and "up to" only means the limits in those rules apply. Remove
"up" and the rule reads more clearly. IMHO it does NOT mean you can have a
car that is essentially prepped to the Solo II rules but you say "I can go
beyond this one limitation because GTCS/PCS allows me to go to a greater
limit." If that were the case, there would be no reason to even have a
limitation in the Solo II book.

The whole purpose for 15.11 is to prevent legal GCR-prep cars from being
illegal in Prepared without making non-GCR or un-GCR modifications. Solo
wants a GCR-legal race-prepared car to be able to just come and do
autocross, as is. Its purpose is not to create preparation loopholes.

--Rocky Entriken

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