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Re: "P" rules

To: "Rocky Entriken" <>, "Mike Smith"
Subject: Re: "P" rules
From: "Rocky Entriken" <>
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 18:02:29 -0600
I hate when this happens.

Somehow, in looking at 15.11.B -- and I emphasize "looking at" because
apparently I did not "read" it all -- I went right past the line that says
"minimum weight will be the Solo II minimum weight from Appendix A" (plus
any applicable weight penalties mandated by the Solo II rulebook).

So duh! The GCR rule as to weight does not apply to my GCR car in a Solo
event. At a Solo I weigh Solo-style, without driver.
No matter. I'm overweight by either book.  :-(   Yes, the driver is too!

--Rocky (feeling more like Bullwinkle at the moment)

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