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Re: "P" rules

To: "Mark J. Andy" <>,
Subject: Re: "P" rules
From: "Rocky Entriken" <>
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2001 17:10:29 -0600
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark J. Andy" <>
To: "autox mailing list" <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2001 8:19 PM
Subject: Re: "P" rules

> Howdy,
> On Wed, 19 Dec 2001, Rocky Entriken wrote:
> > Yep. But that penalty is only for things the Solo rulebook says incurs
> > penalty. It is NOT for being GCR spec if, having prepared to GCR, your
> > includes none of the things that would incur the penalty.
> Well, sure.  :-)  Assuming the GCR and the SoloII rules intersect, a car
> that meets the soloII prepared rules that also happens to meet the GCR
> rules runs as a soloII car.

Roger that. And I think probably I'd qualify too. But if someone has a
rulebook question on my car, the book I look to will be the GCR. In all
likelihood, if I went to the Solo P rules I'd be good there too, but I don't
have to bother with that. One book is all anyone needs for prep rules, which
IMHO is a good way to do it.

I also rather liked the suggestion someone else proposed to me off-list,
that if someone claims his is a GCR-rules car, he must possess the current
GCR. Which, if you are a dual-purpose car like mine, is really not a
problem. Moreover, in my opinion, it must be the CURRENT GCR. None of this
"it was legal in the '96 book" as was the case before the P rules were

> However, a car that exceeds the soloII rules (the mustang with a tubular
> cross member, for instance) but hasn't exceed the prep level of the GT-1
> rules would still be legal for CP, just with a 10% weight penalty, _AND_
> wouldn't be required to meet GCR safety specs (i.e. roll cage & fuel cell)
> since the rules say "prepared up to" not "prepared to".

Don't agree. (But then, this may be one of this items on which reasonable
men may disagree).

First of all, you cannot "exceed" the prep level of GT1, you can only go "up
to" it -- that is, the GCR-stated minimums or maximums are your mins and
maxes if you claim to be a GCR-prep car. Beyond that and you are Modified,
and enter an entirely new spectrum beyond the scope of this debate.

You also do not incur the weight penalty for using GCR. You incur it for
using things that ARE allowed in the Solo II rules BUT if you do you must
take the penalty. The Solo II rulebook uses *modified* fuel injection as an
example (and then adds "etc." indicating there are other items that also
incur a penalty).

Even if prepared strictly to the Solo book, there are options you have that,
if you choose them, incur a weight penalty. If you instead prepare to GCR,
those same items will incur the weight penalty. The Solo rule may permit you
to employ a negative Frammis (available from Huck & CHuck), but only if you
take the penalty. The GCR may specifically permit the negative Frammis. If
you prepare to GCR and do NOT have the negative Frammis, you do not take the
penalty. But if you DO use the negative Frammis, even though it is
specifically authorized in GCR, to run that car in Solo equipped that way
you must take the penalty.

Also IMHO, if you claim to be a GCR car, you must meet ALL the GCR
*required* items UNLESS the Solo rule specifically exempts it. The rollcage
is exempted. The fuel cell is not (IMHO should be the other way around!).

As for "up to" -- back to that Frammis. Let's assume Solo rules mandate a
maximum Frammis setting of positive or Zero, or up to a negative 1 if you
take a weight penalty. GCR permits Frammis settings up to a negative 2. If
you like yours set at a negative 0.5 you have to take the weight penalty,
but you are still within the Solo rules. If you like yours set at a negative
1.25 you are now beyond the Solo rules. You still must take the weight
penalty, but even though you are not all the way "up to" the GCR limit your
car also must now conform to GCR (other than items specifically exempted in
the Solo book ) because by the Solo rule you're illegal.

> IMHO, and it doesn't matter to me either as I'm not going into the
> in-excess part of the rulebook.  :-)

Me too.

> Mark


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