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Re: "P" rules

To: autox mailing list <>
Subject: Re: "P" rules
From: "Mark J. Andy" <>
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2001 17:30:30 -0500 (EST)

On Tue, 18 Dec 2001, Rocky Entriken wrote:
> Indeed the book does say "up to" but IMHO it is the same thing. The
> language is "Vehicles prepared in excess of Solo II allowances but
> prepared up to the current GTCS..." or in the next section,
> "...prepared up to and listed in the current PCS...".

I don't think I agree with your interpretation.  "Prepared up to" means
(to me) "you can prepare you car to the extent of the GCR rules, but
aren't required to meet full GCR specs".  If they wanted the cars to be
GCR legal (with the exceptions you mention) then they'd say "Prepared to"
or make it even more clear and say "must meet all GCR requirements with
the exception of items mentioned in section xx.xx.



> I also think "prepared up to" is construed as "prepared according to these
> (GCR) rules" and "up to" only means the limits in those rules apply. Remove
> "up" and the rule reads more clearly. IMHO it does NOT mean you can have a
> car that is essentially prepped to the Solo II rules but you say "I can go
> beyond this one limitation because GTCS/PCS allows me to go to a greater
> limit." If that were the case, there would be no reason to even have a
> limitation in the Solo II book.

Sure there is.  There's a weight penalty for cars prepared exceeding solo
rules but prepared up to GTCS (or whatever) rules.  The limit of GTCS
rules is so that you have some limit.  Otherwise I could build a mod car
and run prepared as long as I took the weight penalty.

> The whole purpose for 15.11 is to prevent legal GCR-prep cars from being
> illegal in Prepared without making non-GCR or un-GCR modifications. Solo
> wants a GCR-legal race-prepared car to be able to just come and do
> autocross, as is. Its purpose is not to create preparation loopholes.

That may be the intent, but if so the rules state it pretty poorly.
There's smart guys on the PAC, I think if they wanted only what you
describe the rules would clearly say that.


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