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To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Radiators
From: David Friedlander <forzion@maine.rr.com>
Date: Sun, 09 Mar 2003 15:05:15 -0500
Thanks, Derek.

Can't say as I have ever heard of a five row core for a TR radiator.
Guess I have some research to do!

'74 TR6

Derek Graham wrote:

  Hi David, Standard radiators in a six were 4 core. You can tell the
number of cores by looking into the top of the radiator when you have
taken the cap off. You will see four rows of slots across the width of
the radiator. Over here in the UK a lot of the specialists sell
replacements with 3 cores with much larger slots and larger diameter
vertical pipes. I recently had mine re-cored and have fitted a five core
which is
marginally thicker but which still fits within the original radiator
shell. I am told I will probably have overcooled the car but would much
rather that than my experiences last year sitting in traffic jams on the
motorway with the needle in the red. With regard to the cap pressure on
cars it was always 13psi.

Derek Graham

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