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Re: Radiators

To: Sally or Dick Taylor <tr6taylor@webtv.net>, 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Radiators
From: David Friedlander <forzion@maine.rr.com>
Date: Sat, 08 Mar 2003 20:19:25 -0500
Thanks, Dick, just as I thought. Can't understand why re-coring costs
more than a new stock radiator but life is full of mysteries, no? I
had also been curious if running a tweaked engine would cause the
to be stressed in normal operation. Guess that, even if that was true, I
always add an electric fan later.

Thanks again,

Dave Friedlander
'74 TR6

Sally or Dick Taylor wrote:

> Dave---There's nothing wrong with the capacity of the stock radiator,
> under most conditions.
> I went with the 7 lb. cap years ago after a bout of blowing heater
> control valves. This was about 15 years ago. No problems with
> overheating with the lesser cap.  Or heater valve.
> Dick

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