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RE: Poor dash lighting

To: "'Robert L. Gannon'" <trsix74@comcast.net>,
Subject: RE: Poor dash lighting
From: Hugh Fader <hfader@usa.net>
Date: Tue, 07 Jan 2003 22:00:25 -0500
Yup, the bulbs are pretty close to little plastic domes on my TR6 gages. I
fear they might melt.

I read somewhere that the halogens people are using for their instruments
are 5W. I may experiment with LEDs. I have located some with the proper
screw base. I'm not sure if they will be any brighter though.

- Hugh

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert L. Gannon [mailto:trsix74@comcast.net]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2003 9:40 PM
> To: Hugh Fader; 'jonmac'
> Cc: '6Pack'
> Subject: Re: Poor dash lighting
> 5Watt and 10Watt Bulbs? Wow! Wouldn't these be too much to go
> inside those
> instruments? I have replacement bulbs in my 'spares' but I
> believe the max
> any instrument takes is a 2.2 Watt. I would say the heat
> would be more than
> what some of the parts inside could take.
> Robert L. Gannon
> trsix74@comcast.net
> TR6   1974 CF22956U
> TR3A 1960 TS70951L
> http://hometown.aol.com/twodzusfittings/myhomepage/auto.html

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