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what's in a name and the "guy code"

Subject: what's in a name and the "guy code"
From: "Wm. Severin Thompson" <>
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2001 10:58:34 -0500
To all,

Sometimes, my 3 names causes quite a bit of confusion. I haven't ever 
introduced myself in the last 20 years as anything but 'William" or 
"Severin" or "William Severin". If I do introduce myself as "William" 
people insist on calling me "Bill"...which I've never understood. I 
guess I just don't care for "Bill".

I using  "Wm. Severin" 26 years ago when I worked as a musician, and for 
business, have used "Severin" for almost 20 years. There are a lot of 
'Bill Thompson's" out there... I've received their Fed Ex packages at 
trade shows, had hotel reservations screwed up with other "Bill 
Thompsons" and even an intersting 20 minutes with Canadian Customs 
regarding a "William S. Thompson" with my EXACT birthdate wanted on 
felony charges up there... only my middle name was different.

So...not that this is gonna matter, and... until I get Redrum over to 
the body shop and get "Barb" sanded off the door (the car's last 
owner...some of you dickheads will call be Barb until I club you up the 
side of the head with 4 lbs of frozen London Broil,) William works for 
me... Severin works for me...hell... Flounder works for me.

Now, onto the "guy code" issure here. As I mentioned earlier, 
Joe"formerly known as My Hero, now known as Flat Dick) Alexander has 
pointed out, public discussion of my love life is not in my best 
interests, and ultimately (since I never hold a grudge after I get even) 
not in yours either.

Take Mosport for instance.  All you one handed typing wankers that have 
made mention of "Shannon", my Mosport date, have never considered it's 
possible that another woman I may also be dating could be reading this 
list (hey, I single, free, white, and WAY over 21...). Or, picture the 
next Mr. Flat Dick coming up to my date at the BRIC and saying "You must 
be Shannon" and it's not.

Be warned my Thicko brethren, you can live vicariously through the 
Flounder's search for the next "Ex Mrs. Thompson"... just don't post 
your comments to the public list.


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