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[Shop-talk] Tire storage

To: "" <>
Subject: [Shop-talk] Tire storage
From: Scott Hall <>
Date: Sun, 2 Mar 2025 17:33:18 -0600


I forgot how much I enjoyed reading the list. So here's another one:

I used to have Griots Garage wheel storage 'poles'--they bolt to the
wall/stud and stick out perpendicularly and you hang your wheels on them.

I don't see them on the Griots website any more. It looks like I'm starting
from scratch on wheel storage.

I've got eight--no, nine--sets of wheels and tires in the garage right now.
Opinions on the best way to store them, and why you like them? Right now
they're stacked against the wall and on the shelves and I don't like that.

WRT the impact: ordered the Dewalt DCF-900. It says it's rated for 1400
pounds, I think. I guess if the lug nuts don't spin, it just twists off the
lug stud itself. I guess either way the wheel's coming off.


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<div dir=3D"ltr">I forgot how much I enjoyed reading the list. So here&#39;=
s another one:<div><br></div><div>I used to have Griots Garage wheel storag=
e &#39;poles&#39;--they bolt to the wall/stud and stick out perpendicularly=
 and you hang your wheels on them.</div><div><br></div><div>I don&#39;t see=
 them on the Griots website any more. It looks like I&#39;m starting from s=
cratch on wheel storage.=C2=A0</div><div><br></div><div>I&#39;ve got eight-=
-no, nine--sets of wheels and tires in the garage right now. Opinions on th=
e best way to store them, and why you like them? Right now they&#39;re stac=
ked against the wall and on the shelves and I don&#39;t like that.</div><di=
v><br></div><div>WRT the impact: ordered the Dewalt DCF-900. It says it&#39=
;s rated for 1400 pounds, I think. I guess if the lug nuts don&#39;t spin, =
it just twists off the lug stud itself. I guess either way the wheel&#39;s =
coming off.</div><div><br></div><div>Scott</div></div>


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