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Re: [Fwd: Neck brace]

To: <>
Subject: Re: [Fwd: Neck brace]
From: "Joey Jarosz" <>
Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2002 19:04:36 -0800
> Sounds like you need an autox school? :)

Need a school, of course... Can never get too much education...

Will school prevent my neck from snapping on some radical turns, nope. (did
I mention I also take my car to the road track and drag strip sometimes).
There are always going to be turns that when you have enough traction and
more than enough horsepower (did I mention I drive a vette) that when taken
will bounce you head around a little.

Okay, so I have gotten a whole bunch of opinions from people, most of which
have never used a neck brace nor have any medical training. What I haven't
gotten is an answer to my question about whether or not using the brace with
an open face is a bad thing.

Oh well, I guess I should have learned my lesson by now...

Anyways, thanks to everyone for there input.

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