Attempt number 2... (I hate Netscape)
At the risk of starting yet another endless thread, I have another
I have been thinking about using one of those "donut" or "horseshoe"
style neck braces. I am finding that now that I have a 6-point
harness my body no longer bounces around the passenger compartment --
instead now my neck gets a workout.
I currently use an open face helmet from Simpson (its about 3/4 face)
because its easier with my eyeglasses. I have heard that you
NEED a full face in order for a "donut" brace to work correctly. I am
willing to change helmets and to get a new set of eyeglass frames if
I have to save my neck, but would rather spend the money someone else if
I could. (my current helmet is SA2000 rated so I can't justify
an upgrade).
So, who among you uses a neck brace with an open face helmet?
joey (2001 Slush Series Novice 1 Champion) jarosz
Joey Jarosz
hot-n-GUI, Inc.
(408) 247-5582
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