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Re: Wire Wheels

To: Jeff Warner <>
Subject: Re: Wire Wheels
From: Arthur Blackwell <>
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2000 10:41:15 -0600
We did that on the sprint car......Halibrand knock offs......tire went one way, 
car the other, limped into the pits. You do that only toward 
the back to tighten..............-art-

Jeff Warner wrote:

> >>> Dr G W Owen <> 4/19/00 4:47:44 AM >>>
> Gents,
> It isnt an inertia thing under braking at all. If you think about what
> happens under braking, the wheel stops and the spinner wishes to carry on.
> On the right hand side of the car, the spinner will want to go clockwise,
> but that will LOOSEN the LHD. You always know when the spinners arent
> tight because they seem to fall off as you stop hard at the lights.
> ==================================
> Hate to admit I had one experience with the knock offs falling off at a light 
>but the cause is different.  I didn't know they would drop off if they were 
>loose too.
> My case:
> Just got my first Jaguar Etype.  It was my first time with wire wheels and 
> Did a full brake job and new bearings on both front wheels at same time.  
>Remounted the hubs and brakes then took the car out with a friend to test the 
>brakes.  They worked like a dream so we went screaming up and down a long 
>twisty hill road at about 85 mph then can to a stop sign and hit the brakes.
> The car stopped but both knock offs kept going ...... right across the road 
>and into the field across the intersection.
> Turns out I had swapped the left and right hubs when I remounted.
> My friend and I just sat there thinking about the quick trip we just took or 
>could have taken ......
> We very carefully remounted knock offs and SLOWLY drove back to the garage to 
>do repair work.
> That is one of those mistakes you only make once.
> Do I have to sign off and admit this?
> Jeff
>                                            !
> !
> !

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