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re: LRP Srping Sprints

Subject: re: LRP Srping Sprints
From: Richard Waite <>
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2000 12:47:19 -0400 (EDT)
As one who often races in the pre-war class, I can tell you that the Trike
pilots (riders ?) are to a man more aware of what's going on and have better
track sense than many others I could name. It's appreaciated.

This past weekend I was in a hot battle for 1st when I came up on Jim in the
West Bend straight. He saw me coming, pointed and I was past. As the Ozzies
say 'No worries Mate'!

It's hard to over estimate the value of knowing that the other folks on the
track are paying attention and are predictable.

Thanks again.

Dick Waite '52 MG TD, #580

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