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Re: Wire Wheels

To: Clark Smith <>,
Subject: Re: Wire Wheels
From: David Laver <>
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 09:38:40 +0100

I have to say your film has pride of place in my collection.  Was it a one off
from the opportunity of the footage you came across or have/will you produce
anything else?

On the subject of splines I've suffered the 'on wrong side' problem and also
the clunk you describe.  However it was on a car where the wheels are cheap and
available.   My only constructive thought was that anything is replaceable or
repairable.  Is it possible make some new splines a tiny bit larger or have an
insert made for the wheel and cut the exiting splines smaller?  As a gap filler
PTFE tape comes to mind.


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