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Re: Introduction

Subject: Re: Introduction
From: Simon Favre <>
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 1997 9:54:45 PST
John A. Rollins wrote:

>Susan wrote:
>> Well put, Jim. There's a place for cars like this. I think they call it
>> SCCA...or something.
>Hey! Hey!
>SCCA's much maligned reputation may be somewhat deserved in the "sports
>Rambo" classes and others like it (get it, "IT") but their Vintage
>Program (which is the area WE are most interested in, isn't it?) does

I think Susan was trying to say that this car is SO new, it would be
better off in some current race class, and not any kind of vintage car
class.  If HSR has a Sports class for newer cars, and he's comfortable
with their events, great.  The suggestion of Solo I is also appropriate.
Time-trial events are a great way to get some seat time without the
stress of wheel-to-wheel racing.  Solo II, or autocross is also a good
way to get comfortable in the car at its low-speed limits.  I drag my
Formula Junior out to autocrosses once in a while just for some cheap
test time.  The Caterham is very well suited for autocrossing.

Where the SCCA has a vintage program, they seem to put on well run
events.  I'm not sure they would accept a 94 Caterham either.

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