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Re: Introduction

To: J Scott Shaffer <>
Subject: Re: Introduction
From: Susan <>
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 10:10:25 -0500
J Scott Shaffer wrote:
> Susan
> I have been on this list 'listening' for about 9 months now and I am
> finishing up  a 74 BMW 2002 Tii as we speak.  Were can I get more
> information about vintage racing in the Southeast in particular.  My car is
> the subject of my homepage below BTW
> thanks for any help you can offer.
> regards
> Scott Shaffer
> Fruit Cove, FL
> Work Homepage:
> Personal Homepage:
> updated 1/01/97

Dear Scott:

In your area, SVRA or HSR vintage racing groups are the logical choices,
altho with the latest mess at the HSR event maybe that one's not so good
for a freshly restored car. SVRA (POB 489, Charleston SC 29402) has a
homepage and HSR is out of Tampa.

Car requirements are sricter with SVRA. They have a exhibition class
also which is lower-key. You'll find many other BMW people at either
group. The next event (2/7-9/97) appears to be HSR at Moroso outside of
Palm Beach. Then Sebring 2/28-3/2 (HSR)and SVRA 3/7-9 at Homestead and
the Sebring 3/12-15. You'll need to contact each group for their rules,
but at a minimum, you'll need a tasteful mods such as roll bar, fire
system, five or six point belts, fuel cell (SVRA), and full driver gear
(Snell 90 helmet) and window net. You have to have completed a Skip
Barber school or equivalent for SVRA and run as a rookie for a year. I
believe HSR is slightly less stringent but nonetheless have driver
qualifications. Tires are a big issue, Treadwidth cannot exceed original
by a certain percentage; Dunlops are smiled on and slicks verboten
(mostly). This is generally the story but obviously the rules have to be
checked for the latest word.

The best publication (I write for it, though-shameless plug!) is Victory
Lane, out of Palo Alto, Cal. They have a website: and have race results, preparation articles
and calendars, and lots of ads. 
Any other questions, please feel free to let me know. Good luck!


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