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Re: Introduction

To: (Jim Isbell)
Subject: Re: Introduction
From: Gary <>
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 18:04:15 -0600
At 10:56 AM 1/16/97 -0600, you wrote:
>>> But please leave vintage racing to the vintage racers.
>>I think Mr. Jackson summed it up precisely.
>Just where did you get your definition of "vintage"?    
>In a hundered years, what will be the definition of "vintage"?  
>What was the definition of "vintage" in 1920?  
>I think that this view is myopic to say the least and I am trying to be nice.
>         JIM I.

wow..thanks for being so nice.  What has me, personally, riled up is the
"introduction" of late model NASCAR cars at "our"  "vintage" events..  I
dont think it takes much thought (myopic as it may be) to see that these
cars, in particular, are not "vintage" cars.  The organization I race with
most is called the Vintage Sports Car Drivers Association.  Is a 1993 Ford
Thundbird "vintage" it a "sports car"?  I doubt even the most myopic
person would see these cars as either,,yet they are invited and allowed to
race at VSCDA events.  I just dont agree with this.

I think what Mr. Jackson was saying is there is probably a place for just
about any type of "retired" race car..but finding the proper place may be
difficult.  After all, even "vintage" racing had a begining..sometime,

btw..I am curious, what would YOUR definition of "vintage" be?  

...a bunch of cars too,... call me, I'll tell ya all about em.
even have a boat or two, also.

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