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Re: Spin Physics

Subject: Re: Spin Physics
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1996 00:46:53 -0400
My understanding of the "what to do in a spin" slightly more complicated than
Skip Barber, it is directly related to the turn in and where you hope to end
up as apposed to a nice cle'che. After you realize you aint gonna save
it...... If you want the car to go to the inside of the turn in a spin stay
on the throttle(the car will hopefully oversteer all the way around  to the
inside (used with k-wall on outside of turn), if you hope the car will go to
the outside get on the binders so the car will  just drift off the
track(k-wall on the inside), if you are in a relatively  straight  section
like mild 'S's then locking  the binders will allow the car to go with its'
momentum-hopefully straight down the track,  in a prolonged sideways slide
you cant save, the binders are the option of choice to keep the front tires
from grabbing  and steering you into  the awaiting k-wall as the car shaves
off the "excess" speed. 
No guarantees on this one guys and gals, as I was tought"if you're going  too
fast for the turn're  going too fast for the turn". 
chuck canepa 

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