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RE:Spin Physics

Subject: RE:Spin Physics
From: Dennis Murphy <>
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 1996 08:29:44 -0500 (CDT)
At 08:00 AM 9/18/96 -0700, you wrote:
 If the spin occurs early in a corner or in the
>middle of a set of complex corners, then the approach reverts to the
>"both feet in" to stop the car safely and in a predictable manner,
>thereby avoiding complicating matters more for any following drivers.
>The key word above is "predictable".  This is a term we should stress to
>all our ranks and should be practiced religiously (unless it's the last
>lap of the CART finale...).  I was taught using the comparison of a
>rolling bowling ball to a rolling football.  Which one would you have
>more success in catching?  When applied to drivers, which would you have
>more success in completing a safe pass on?  Something to think about...
>Right foot  (Yeee Haaaa, Myles...)
Good advice! Predictability should be emphasized, remember, quite a few of
us don't have a lot lot of on track experience to draw from. Skip Barber
"when in doubt, both feet out - in a spin, both feet in" refering to clutch
& brake.

Dennis Murphy
Elgin Sweeper CO.

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