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Re: Spin Physics

Subject: Re: Spin Physics
From: Simon Favre <>
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 1996 10:09:59 PDT
The Russell Racing School also preaches the same technique.  They
stressed this after I made one of their cars do a 270 in turn 2 at
Laguna.  I have seen this exact same maneuver performed by many others
in that turn.  ;=) The rear end comes around the outside of the turn and
parks itself just over the inside edge of the track right before the
apex.  You sit there watching traffic go past your nose wondering, "Wha
hoppen?"  If I had followed the prescribed technique, I would have gone
straight off into the gravel trap out of harms way.  Incidentally, the
guy giving me the lecture on this subject was none other than Jon
Beekhus who gives us all that wonderful trackside commentary on ESPN.

I once saw a car spin the WRONG way in that same turn.  Instead of
swinging around the outside of the turn, the rear end spun toward the
INSIDE as he approached the turn.  Fortunately, he went straight thru
and ended up in the gravel trap with little more than injured pride.  He
almost collected a Maserati Birdcage on his way off.  =:0 He went thru
that turn pretty gingerly after that...

>...Skip Barber teaches
>"when in doubt, both feet out - in a spin, both feet in" refering to
>clutch & brake.

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