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Re: TR3 V8 Conversion

To: <>, " TR list" <>
Subject: Re: TR3 V8 Conversion
From: TeriAnn Wakeman <>
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 01 07:39:03 -0700
>>Your Chevy II with a four cylinder engine hitting a brick wall at 60 MPH
>>will get the same damage as a Chevy II with the 396 SS option hitting a
>>brick wall at 60 MPH.  This assumes they both weigh the same.

>  difference in mass of the 6 as opposed to the mass of the 4. 

So Greg, out of curiousity, how old are you?  When did the "396 SS" loose 
meaning to the point where someone would think it was a six cylinder 

>  Hey! This is splitting hairs...

AM I just getting so old that my references no longer have meaning to 

TeriAnn Wakeman               Marigold Ltd.
Santa Cruz, California        Web design, site updating, testing      search engine optimization, graphics
                              and more

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