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Re: Losing wire wheel

To: "L. Metelko" <>,
Subject: Re: Losing wire wheel
From: "Michael Thompson" <>
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 23:19:55 -0500
My wifes GT6 lost a wheel because of bad splines. Luckly at a crawl. She was
coming out of a bank parking lot and pressed the brake and it unscrewed

>From: "L. Metelko" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: Losing wire wheel
>Date: Wed, Jan 26, 2000, 3:35 PM

> Tom:
>     One lister thought that worn splines had caused the loss of your wire
> wheel.  A badly worn spline will only allow the wheel to spin freely on the
> hub but not seperate from the hub. If you or your mechanic had tightly
> secured the knock-off the only way it could have backed off is if it was on
> the wrong side of the car. The "undo" directional arrow must point in the
> direction of foward travel. If not the knock-off will eventually back itself
> off the hub.  The scarey part is there is another wheel on the other side
> that will do the same thing because a car has two "right" hubs and two
> "lefts.

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