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Losing wire wheel

To: <>
Subject: Losing wire wheel
From: "L. Metelko" <>
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 20:35:12 -0000charset="x-user-defined"

    One lister thought that worn splines had caused the loss of your wire
wheel.  A badly worn spline will only allow the wheel to spin freely on the
hub but not seperate from the hub. If you or your mechanic had tightly
secured the knock-off the only way it could have backed off is if it was on
the wrong side of the car. The "undo" directional arrow must point in the
direction of foward travel. If not the knock-off will eventually back itself
off the hub.  The scarey part is there is another wheel on the other side
that will do the same thing because a car has two "right" hubs and two

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