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Re: State of the Triumphs List

Subject: Re: State of the Triumphs List
From: Mark Milotay <>
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999 21:31:38 -0700

I was on the SwedishBricks list for years & have been a list moderator.
That aside, I think that this list should be left as it is. I enjoy the
banter, the tangentially related jokes, and I like most of the people who
make up the list. I view the list, in the same way I view going out with a
group of friends from work. We discuss the issues around our profession,
but we also discuss our families, vacations, tell jokes etc. This is what
makes spending time with them outside work interesting. This is also what
makes learning about Triumph ownership & maintenance on this list
interesting. It is made up of people. If a member doesn't want to partake
in the whole experience, they would be far better off investing in the
various manuals available for our cars and to avoid our community. It is
the human aspect that makes this list so meaningful, and some people seem
to find this frightening, let's not change the list and diminish everyone's
experience. Why don't we all go look at our cars, and then think about all
that we've gained from the list.

Good night everyone,


>okay, I won't post my bio then.
>To Mark, if you're reading this: PLEASE DON'T SPLIT THE LIST AGAIN
>it wouldn't fix anything. the only thing that would improve the signal to 
>ratio is to make it a moderated list. to do this somebody would have to 
>play "list Nazi" and this would take most of the fun out of everything.
>(anybody who's been on the SwedishBricks list will recognize this referance) 
>I'll admit I read a far lower percentage of posts than I used to, but I
>that's what the delete key is for - besides I enjoy some of the noise - I
>even miss Johnny Storm.
>Jack Mc
Mark Milotay, Principal
On the Mark Software & Consulting

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