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Re: State of the Triumphs List

Subject: Re: State of the Triumphs List
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 19:55:52 EDT
So who died and left you boss? Once again some of us are taking life a little 
too seriously. Next thing you know we'll have guideline and rules, fines and 
suspensions. Just like TV all ya gotta do is turn the dial. I, for one, enjoy 
the information, banter and camaraderie of this list and the BIOS have told 
me a lot about the people I have corresponded with during the past few years. 
Rather than beat on people about their "father who owned a MG 30 years ago" 
we should be thankful that people are willing to share their LBC related 
history with the rest of us. 

It's not the cars! It's the whole mechanical and emotional experience that 
makes us want to maintain our sense of belonging to the Triumph mystique. 
That mystique involves people as well as their vehicles. If we just looked at 
them as machines with no emotional attachment they'd be recycled by now and 
we'd be driving Miatas.

Greg Wolf
1970 GT6+ "Ian"
Bridgewater, Michigan

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