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Re: State of the Triumphs List

Subject: Re: State of the Triumphs List
From: "" <>
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 08:50:46 PDT
Nobody wants to read your smart little wisecrack.

    Uh, wait a second... If it's good wisecrack I... I want to!
>To all those who feel the need to flame me, go ahead. You are most probably
>being filtered into my trash already. To those of you who want things the
>way they used to be, maybe we can convince Mark to split the list again -
>Triumphs and Triumphs-Enthusiast-Chat-Room.

    If this list was ONLY "Those Amazing Triumph... Facts and
    History" I would use it like and encyclopedia... and about as

    It's amazing. When you read through the "stuff" you're
    complaining about you find the "real" people who own and live
    with TRs. People I would like to call my friends... Even when I
    think they're acting like a**es. This is the real VALUE of this
    list. Actual TR "nut and bolt" information is what the people

    If I was to trust anyone for advice, I would want to trust a
    real person whose been there and possibly "stubbed his toe"...
    Not just an email address.

    Greg Petrolati

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