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Re: State of the Triumphs List

Subject: Re: State of the Triumphs List
From: Trevor Jordan <>
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 11:23:26 +1000
References: <>
At 10:55 AM +1000 19/8/99, Susan and John Roper wrote:
>Hey Henry, I respectfully disagree.  I'm here for the technical stuff, but
>the people stuff adds desirable flavor.  Me, I don't give a damn about pre
>versus post 60000 windshild posts, but don't complain because others don't
>much about my TR8.  The charm of the list is its variety.  John

I value the the variety of the list, but I also experience the overload
problem of which Henry complained.  The way that I cope is to delete a lot
of messages unread, based on the subject line.  It takes about a minute to
do this.  I do not trust automatic filtering sufficiently to allow it to
delete messages.

Use precise subject lines and change them when the topic changes or
diverges.  It makes everyone's life easier.

Trevor Jordan
74 TR6 CF29281U

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