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Re: State of the Triumphs List

To: Jim <>, Henry Frye <>
Subject: Re: State of the Triumphs List
From: Peggy Bohler <>
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999 16:20:43 -0700
Cc:, Mark J Bradakis <>
References: <>

I salute you!

At 07:18 PM 8/18/99 -0400, Jim wrote:
>I have to put in my two cents worth and if you elect to filter me out that's
>certainly your call Mark.
>I'm a newbie to Triumphs,  yes.  I'm a neophyte and a beginner.  I'm a
fair to
>middlin' mechanic and understand mechanical things.
>I enjoy the list and the education I get from it since I'm not an expert
as you
>apparently are Mark.  I don't mind sharing my expertise in other areas with
>folks who ask or need the help.
>I like the banter, the intelligent conversation and the fun on here.
>Seems to me like it's not for everyone (I'll defend your right to your
>forever Mark) but those folks tend to do other things.
>Just a newbies thoughts..... just as you shared yours Mark.
>Henry Frye wrote:
>> I've been resisting this for quite some time now, but I can't take it any
>> more.
>> I have never made a non-Triumph post to this list is the 4 1/2 years I've
>> been subscribed. This is the first one.
>> I used to contribute often, as this list was an invaluable resource in my
>> Triumph education. However, I now find that the annoyance of the list
>> activity far outweighs than any benefit I'm receiving.
>> This list was created to be a forum of discussion about Triumph cars.
>> Repairing, maintaining, parts sources, car shows, etc. An occasional LBC
>> related joke, but that was it.
>> In years past the list had extremely knowledgable contributors who knew
>> their stuff. A thread was started, all responses were public, and many good
>> responses were had. A synopsis was posted by the person who started the
>> thread. Everybody learned from one person's experience.
>> As the 'signal to noise ratio' grew, many excellent contributors got fed up
>> with the crap, and left the list. Well, that's what I'm seriously
>> considering doing.
>> The only way I've been able to take the day to day onslaught of crap is by
>> using an email program with powerful filtering functions. I've got all you
>> 'no added value' listers going right into my trash can. You know who you
>> are, those people who can't resist commenting on EVERY thread, whether or
>> not you have any direct knowledge of the subject. Listen guys, if you post
>> to the list more than once or twice a week, please cool it. If you are not
>> adding your insight on a Triumph related matter, don't click the send
>> button. Nobody wants to read your smart little wisecrack.
>> The list has grown into a big chat room. It will be to everyone's benefit
>> if the knowledgable contributors don't unsubscribe.
>> The growth of the Internet has been exponential. More and more Triumph
>> enthusiasts are finding this list. That's great. But, will all you people
>> please take a lesson in netiquette, and keep on the topic??? Trust me, most
>> people could care less that your ex-girlfriend's father had an MG way back
>> in the days of afros and bell bottoms.
>> To all those who feel the need to flame me, go ahead. You are most probably
>> being filtered into my trash already. To those of you who want things the
>> way they used to be, maybe we can convince Mark to split the list again -
>> Triumphs and Triumphs-Enthusiast-Chat-Room.
>> Henry 'We don't need no stinkin' nomex' Frye
>Rawchester, Neu Yawk
>Sptifire MkII  FC68436L  Red, what else?

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