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Re: Theft Proofing

To: Pete & Aprille Chadwell <>
Subject: Re: Theft Proofing
From: bob simmons <>
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 1999 09:11:31 +0100
Cc: Triumphs e-mail list <>
References: <l03130300b3d9c1806e97@[]>
What you need is to mount a deadly gas under the dash that would "go off" when
you activate it, thus killing the intruder.  The gas would dissipate long
before the police arrive.  By the time the coroner figures out the thief died
of poisoning, the gadget would long have been pulled out.  After all, they
wouldn't impound your vehicle because a thief was found dead near it.  HA HA

Pete & Aprille Chadwell wrote:

> Due to the apparent ineffectiveness of car alarms, I've always thought it
> might be MORE useful to rig up a motion sensor system that would be
> situated in the driver's footbox, and this motion sensor, when activated,
> would transmit a signal to a receiver-type device that could be either
> carried on your person, and this device would then discretely notify you
> that something is going on.  I'm assuming that the equipment necessary is
> available, and that someone with the appropriate knowledge (unlike myself)
> could fairly easily assemble such a system that would work.
> I had a Datsun B210 stolen from in front of my apartment when I lived up in
> Kent, Washington.  It would have been a tremendous help if I could have
> been awakened the minute that the #$*!! bastards opened the door.  You
> might think I'm nuts to have been that "concerned" about a B210 (4-door, no
> less!) but that was a TERIFFIC car!  To this day, 5 years later, I'm STILL
> heartbroken over it!  I would not have tried to stop the little $#*&@'s,
> but I sure as Hell would've called the cops right then and there, and
> therefore would have stood a better chance of recovering the car.
> My vindictive (and humorous) side would like to rig up this "remote alarm"
> so that it would pull the trigger on a pre-mounted, pre-aimed, pre-loaded
> high-powered rifle.  The rifle would be aimed right into the driver's
> windshield from within a room in the apartment (or wherever) and the minute
> someone stuck their feet into the footwell, KaBLAM!  Yes, I'd end up in
> jail, yes, it'd make an awful mess inside the car, but look on the bright
> side... the world would be less one car theif, and THAT's not a bad thing!
> I wonder if they'd prosecute me for a "hate" crime?  After all, I'm
> DEFINITELY prejudiced against car theives.  ALL criminals, actually!
> Pete Chadwell
> 1973 TR6
> And hey... I would never ACTUALLY DO the thing with the rifle... it's just
> a pipe dream!!  Can you blame me?

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