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Re: Theft Proofing

To: Irv Korey <>
Subject: Re: Theft Proofing
From: Fred Thomas <>
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 1999 11:41:08 -0400
References: <> <>
I have a neighbor who is a cop, his words, the very worst thing to put on a car 
"The Club", a theif knows how easy they are to get off, and he likes the "High" 
gives him from stealing a car with this attached, also he says you are 
in a big way.

Irv Korey wrote:

> wrote:
> >
> > Guys-
> >
> > Ay thoughts on theft proofing a TR6? I live in Los Angeles and LBC's like to
> > walk away here. Other than never parking it for more than 20 seconds, any
> > ideas appreciated. I have a Club (that covers and locks over the steering
> > wheel hub as well) and a pedal lock, but these are cosmetic at best.
> According to my friend who is a cop, a Club will last 10-15 seconds if
> the thief has a hacksaw, the amount of time it would take to hacksaw the
> steering wheel and pull the Club.
> My TR6 has an electric fuel pump, and I have a hidden cutoff switch. I
> also have a master electric power disconnect on my car. That wasn't
> installed as an anti-theft device, but it does help.
> Whatever you do, you can not theft proof any car. You can only make it
> more theft resistant.
> Good luck,
> Irv
> 74 TR6 CF22767U
> Highland Park, IL

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