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Re: Theft Proofing

Subject: Re: Theft Proofing
From: Irv Korey <>
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 1999 06:44:41 -0500
References: <> wrote:
> Guys-
> Ay thoughts on theft proofing a TR6? I live in Los Angeles and LBC's like to
> walk away here. Other than never parking it for more than 20 seconds, any
> ideas appreciated. I have a Club (that covers and locks over the steering
> wheel hub as well) and a pedal lock, but these are cosmetic at best.

According to my friend who is a cop, a Club will last 10-15 seconds if
the thief has a hacksaw, the amount of time it would take to hacksaw the
steering wheel and pull the Club.

My TR6 has an electric fuel pump, and I have a hidden cutoff switch. I
also have a master electric power disconnect on my car. That wasn't
installed as an anti-theft device, but it does help. 

Whatever you do, you can not theft proof any car. You can only make it
more theft resistant.

Good luck,

74 TR6 CF22767U
Highland Park, IL

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