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Re: Theft proofing

Subject: Re: Theft proofing
From: Bill Gunshannon <>
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1999 09:53:28 -0400 (EDT)
According to kramer:
> Whatever you do, you can not theft proof any car. You can only make it
> more theft resistant.

This is the most accurate statement so far in this whole discussion.

It reminds me of a message I saw in another mailing list a number of
years ago.....

It seems this guy on the list lived in California and bought a brand
new Porsche.  It was fully loaded including a car alarm and LoJack.
One night shortly after he got it he awoke to the sound of his car
alarm.  He got to the window just in time to see some guys pushing his
new Porsche into the back of tractor-trailer.  The sound of the alarm
faded to nothing as they closed the doors and drove away.  Needles to
say, LoJack, being a low power, high frequency system also doesn't
work through the metal sides of the trailer.


Bill Gunshannon          |  de-moc-ra-cy (di mok' ra see) n.  Three wolves         |  and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
University of Scranton   |
Scranton, Pennsylvania   |         #include <std.disclaimer.h>   

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