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Re: competition manual online

Subject: Re: competition manual online
From: "Andy" <>
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 20:23:17 -0400 (EDT)
The problem being; if there's no copyright stated, you don't know who to 

On 06/16/99 05:13 PM said...
>> >  The least one can do is find out who has the rights and ASK FOR
>> >  PERMISSION! If permission is given then go ahead<
>>I see 2 problems with your suggestion:
>>1) (text not quoted above)  I am not convinced that our e-publishing the 
>>    pamphlets/manuals reduces any benefit (monetary or otherwise) to
>>    the putative current copyright holders.
>     We live in a litigious age... I think that covering your own ass
>     would count for SOMETHING.
>     However, if You want to take that chance GO RIGHT AHEAD.
>     Publishing any copyrighted materials without permission is
>     asking for trouble. Sure, you could get away with it (you
>     probably will). People steal stuff all the time. It doesn't
>     make it less wrong.
>     What if Corporate Lawyer "X" decided he wasn't doing enough
>     to justify his retainer and decided he needed to make an
>     example just so he could sleep better at night? He looks around
>     and there YOU are.
>>2)  Asking the supposed copyright holders for permission will
>>     result in an INSTANTANEOUS _NO_.
>      Bull-shit. I have done it on several occasions... `Even asked
>      and got Road & Track's permission to reprint a "Side Glances"
>      column for our club newsletter. They are more inclined to allow
>      you this lattitude if you (1) aren't going to profit from its
>      reprinting  or (2) Its reprinting is for educational purposes.
>      Yeah you might give someone a "heads up" on it... And you might
>      get a "no". If you do, RESPECT IT!
>      But hey... Why am I worrying about you? Aparently you like
>      "living life on the edge..."
>Greg Petrolati Champaign, Illinois
>1962 TR4 (CT4852L)
>That's not a leak... My car's just marking its territory...

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