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Re: competition manual online

Subject: Re: competition manual online
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 17:13:33 PDT
> >  The least one can do is find out who has the rights and ASK FOR
> >  PERMISSION! If permission is given then go ahead<
>I see 2 problems with your suggestion:
>1) (text not quoted above)  I am not convinced that our e-publishing the 
>    pamphlets/manuals reduces any benefit (monetary or otherwise) to
>    the putative current copyright holders.

     We live in a litigious age... I think that covering your own ass
     would count for SOMETHING.

     However, if You want to take that chance GO RIGHT AHEAD.
     Publishing any copyrighted materials without permission is
     asking for trouble. Sure, you could get away with it (you
     probably will). People steal stuff all the time. It doesn't
     make it less wrong.

     What if Corporate Lawyer "X" decided he wasn't doing enough
     to justify his retainer and decided he needed to make an
     example just so he could sleep better at night? He looks around
     and there YOU are.
>2)  Asking the supposed copyright holders for permission will
>     result in an INSTANTANEOUS _NO_.

      Bull-shit. I have done it on several occasions... `Even asked
      and got Road & Track's permission to reprint a "Side Glances"
      column for our club newsletter. They are more inclined to allow
      you this lattitude if you (1) aren't going to profit from its
      reprinting  or (2) Its reprinting is for educational purposes.

      Yeah you might give someone a "heads up" on it... And you might
      get a "no". If you do, RESPECT IT!

      But hey... Why am I worrying about you? Aparently you like
      "living life on the edge..."

Greg Petrolati Champaign, Illinois
1962 TR4 (CT4852L)

That's not a leak... My car's just marking its territory...

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