Here's a thought for you. You could make this an automatic process if
you run the power wire for your coil through a oil pressure switch.
Find a switch that is an open circuit below a certain amount of pressure
and when the circuit closes you get power to your coil. No muss, no
fuss. Just a thought to ponder.
'71 TR6Peter Zaborski wrote:
> I recently posted a question to the list about the benefits of allowing
> engine oil pressure to build before actually firing up the engine vs.
> letting it build up once the engine is actually started. Thanks to the
> responses of several list members, I am now convinced this is a
> desirable action and I thus wish to be able to (easily) control it.
> I would therefore like to add the following modification to my TR6's
> wiring and am seeking the wisdom of the list to point out any potential
> errors in my assumptions.
> In order to allow the starter to turn the engine but avoid starting it
> (especially now with the Ignitor installed ;-} ), I wish to add an
> in-car switch to control power to the coil. Since I have the Lucas sport
> coil hooked up to the white terminal of my fusebox already, my plan
> involves simply running this wire from the fusebox to a switch in the
> car and then from the switch out to the coil. When the switch is "on"
> the coil gets power, when "off" the coil gets no power but the starter
> will still turn the engine.
> So a few questions come to mind...
> 1. Is the setup as described appropriate or am I really missing
> something and greatly oversimplifying the problem?
> 2. What type of switch is best to use? I have considered a spring loaded
> push button switch which is normally "on" and goes to "off" when the
> button is pressed. That way the default behavior is "normal" but if I
> want to cut power to the coil I just press the button and crank away
> until my oil pres. gauge shows pressure.
> Alternatively I could use a toggle or rocker switch and possibly use the
> switch as a simple theft prevention device (although I realize this is
> not foolproof).
> 3. What should the ratings of the switch be? Any minimum current? I
> assume 12 volt is adequate. Any other ratings to consider?
> 4. Any other words of wisdom from anyone on the list about this topic?
> Looking forward to opinions/experiences. Greatly appreciated, as always.
> Peter Zaborski
> 76 TR6 (CF58310 UO)
> Calgary AB Canada