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To: "Triumph Guys" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: BCW
From: "Nick" <>
Date: Thu, 15 May 1997 16:46:21 -0700
Fellow Anglophiles-

Well it seems that everyone is dragging their LBC's out this week, so I
felt shamed into doing the same. As an appeasement to the gods, I actually
washed the GT6 and caused a major "ripple" in the force when I decimated
the entire spider population that had taken up residence inside. (Has
anyone else noted that this may indeed be the year of the spider ? (eight
legs, not four wheels) I've never seen so many of 'em). But of course there
is absolutely no thought of this poor car running yet, heck, I'm not even
to the "sitting in the seat makin vroom noises" yet. So, I pushed out the
trusty TVR and washed it too. I mean the bucket was still there, full of
water and all. However, what I hadn't counted on was the jealosy
factor...Now just picture a beautiful day about 90 or so, sun shinin etc,
and me even takin a tooth brush to the wheels, cuz after all it is BCW. Got
that car lookin GOOD (and I got a glow-in-the-dark sunburn, but thats
another story) when I was done. So now I change clothes and jump into the
little beauty, fire it up and let it idle a bit before I leave the house. quit. Never did that before. Turn the key. No response. Turn the
key lots-o-times, no response. Hmmm, no lights, no radio, no nuthin. Pop
the hood, all looks OK. Nothin I do wants to make it go. Back into the
house, change back into the "grunge" clothes, only to find that the
battery, which cranked the car fine just a few moments ago, now is an
"open" circuit. No connection, no juice, no go. Rats. Now it has become a
"mission" to get an LBC on the road. Today I had to go to San Francisco, so
I rolled the Trusty XJS out and took it down. Now I know what your
thinkin...that's only hardly an LBC, and I think someone else even
poo-pooed them on his sightings list, but I was gettin desperate. I did see
a nice white TR4 on 11 th st with the top down...was it you ? And an MGB on
the bridge. I waived, but, to no avail, the poor Jag had been shunned by
its more agrarian brothers...oh the shame <g>.  

I promise I'll be more prepared next year...
      Nick in Nor Cal

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