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To: List <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: RE: BCW
From: Mel Hildebrandt <76256.1406@CompuServe.COM>
Date: 15 May 97 22:07:22 EDT
Shane Ingate wrote:

>Day #2 of BCW in San Diego, I saw a red TR4A, totally original, black
>tags, and a 60+ woman driving it.  She is a local, and I suspect
>she is the original owner.  I have my eyes on it......
>Other than than, no LBC's  :(  "Rags" is going to get mighty lonesome
>if I dont start seeing some.  Sigh.  I'll have to run out to Costa
>Mesa so that I can See Ross' car.  Where are you Charlie Brown?
>       Shane Ingate in San Diego

Yo Shane!

The lady with the TR4 does indeed live in your area and that car is her primary
means of transportation. She is also the Vice-President of your local
Triumph-driving, fun-loving, San Diego Triumph Club. Her name is DeAnna, and if
you get the opportunity to say hi, she'll probably be happy to say hi right

Many of us drive our Triumphs every day, but just don't happen to live in your
area. However, we do get together at least once each month to share the Triumph
lifestyle. If you're not into the club scene, at least make it a point to attend
San Diego British Car Day in early October, and consider attending the annual
Western Triumph convention (in Laughlin, Nevada this year) in mid-Ocober.

Mel Hildebrandt (inland San Diego)
'74 TR6, CF24749UO
'61 TR3A, TS79778L

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