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Re: "HELP" non lbc

To: doug@dougbraun.com
Subject: Re: "HELP" non lbc
From: James Carruthers <j.carruthers@rave.ac.uk>
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 2004 11:27:49 +0100
I'll support that Doug!

Firefox is brilliant - and I *really* recommend *everyone* on this list 
goes and tries it - I really do! Even people who think they are 
satisfied with Internet Explorer - this is soooo much better!

It's only a tiny download - so no real excuses. It's quite possibly the 
best piece of software I've found in the last year! I've been using it 
for about 6 months now - and it's very much the case of less is more - 
but more than that too - it has useful features (tabbed browsing) and 
gets rid of the stuff you don't need.

The perfect companion to Firefox is Thunderbird - the email program - 
again - if you think you're happy with Outlook Express (which is a pile 
of rubbish IMHO) then please please try this! It's worth the effort, it 
really is...

As some sort of analogy... Internet Explorer is a Cadillac Eldorado, 
Firefox is a Triumph Spitfire! Sort of...


doug@dougbraun.com wrote:

>Go to www.mozilla.org and download the "Mozilla Firefox" browser.  This deals 
>with pop-ups
>automatically, and almost never gets rid of ones you
>actually want to see.
>At 06:37 PM 6/6/2004 -0400, you wrote:
>>I need some good suggestions on how to stop these @#$%$#@$%%% "POP-UPS" on my
>>system. Thanks  "FT"

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