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Re: "HELP" non lbc

To: "fred thomas" <vafred@erols.com>, "Triumphs"
Subject: Re: "HELP" non lbc
From: <ptegler@cablespeed.com>
Date: Sun, 6 Jun 2004 23:49:19 -0400
    Googles toolbar seems to do a good job at stopping pop-ups and is
a freebie.  It's another toolbar just like your address bar in Explorer....
When installed, you can set options concerning pop up and other

Just look at some of the links on googles home search page. There will be a
link to installing their toolbar.  So far I've not noticed any slowdowns
or odd behaviors.   I like it.

Paul Tegler
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "fred thomas" <vafred@erols.com>
To: "Triumphs" <Triumphs@autox.team.net>
Cc: "spitfires" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Sent: Sunday, June 06, 2004 6:37 PM
Subject: "HELP" non lbc

> I need some good suggestions on how to stop these @#$%$#@$%%% "POP-UPS" on
> system. Thanks  "FT"

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