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RE: Alternator wiring revisited

To: "Brian Hollands" <>
Subject: RE: Alternator wiring revisited
From: "John F Sandhoff" <>
Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2001 16:33:41 -0700
It was asked:
> ...does the current have to flow through the ammeter for it to measure?

Voltmeters measure potential, ammeters measure flow.

> does the ammeter blow up at 30 amps?

And when it does the whole car is dead except for emergency flashers
and I think the horn (I'd have to check the diagram again)

> could you wire the new charging circuit through the ammeter with heavier
> gauge wire

Yes, IF you upgrade the ammeter to a higher capacity. This could be
done with a suitable 'shunt' across the back (a very low resistance
that can handle the bypassed current). But you MUST be sure that
ALL of the wiring ANYWHERE along the circuit path can also handle
the higher amperage, so you would need to replace all of the harness
between the battery (starter, actually) and the fuse block, including
upgraded plug connectors. ALL of the wiring and connectors...
> ...would it not be better to route ... to the big terminal on the starter?

Only problem is if the battery cable gets flaky (corroded or disconnected)
the alternator may try to over-voltage the rest of the car.

-- John
     John F Sandhoff   Sacramento, CA

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