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Re[10]: Carroll Smith's Books

To: Tor Hval <>
Subject: Re[10]: Carroll Smith's Books
From: rebean@CCGATE.HAC.COM
Date: Fri, 29 May 98 09:57:42 PST
     I'm just realizing what an unusual car you have for Norway and how 
     unusual you and yor father are.
     Come to think of it, I never have heard of the Grand Prix of Norway.  :-)
     Have a nice weekend.

Subject: Re: Re[8]: Carroll Smith's Books
Author:  Tor Hval <> at CCGATE
Date:    5/29/98 9:01 AM

> No, I'm not suggesting you revert to stock bushings but just offering an 
> explanation for any harshness you may experience.
Yes you are probably right :)
> >We got 6" front and 7" rear.
> Wider wheels in the rear (if you are committed to f & r being different) will 
> require compensating anti-sway bar settings to balance the handling.
I have been wondering about what effect different wheel width front 
and rear would give, now I know :-) 
>  Maybe this
> won't be a problem if:
>         you never have a chance to get out in the open and really push it. 
> or.......
>         You like the security of understeer (some do).
At the moment I can't give you a real answer to that, because neither me 
or my father are skilled enough drivers to drive the car at the limit.
> I would go for four interchangeable wheels, if possible. 
We will try the car with wider wheels at the rear. The reason is that we 
try to avoid the costs of buying two new outer rims for the rear(for now). 
(We can split the wheels, what is the correct name for it?)
Besides it is impossible to get outer rims completely identical to the 
one's at the front.(We could get away with it if we bought 4 new(and 
identical outer rims) > 
> >There are very few roads where one can practice 4-wheel drifts, and there 
> >are also very few tracks around. :-(
> Do you have anywhere (usually club-sponsored) one-car-at-a-time low speed 
> events in parking lots/airports/country roads/race tracks?  Here they can 
> be called slaloms, autocrosses, gymkhanas, time trials.  In the UK; 
> sprints.
As far as I know there is one event which is held once each year(a 
slalom event).
(Norway is not a country of car entusiasts,unfortunately) you people 
outside Norway are spoiled when it comes to possibilities to drive your 
cars on tracks(and posibillities to attend events like 
I know there are some "rally" events her which is driven on public roads 
(the roads are usually not closed for other traffic). I do not think that 
the "rallies" is the place to try to learn to drive the car on the limit. 
> These are extremely good (and usually inexpensive) opportunities to get 
> both driving and car set-up experience.
> If not, curvy mountain roads?  Race tracks which rent track time or on 
> which clubs may have track events?
That may be the only solution, however as far as I know there are two 
racetracks in Norway which you may be allowed to drive your road car on, 
from time to time.
The problem is that only one of them is within resonable distance, and I 
do not think they are open for us to drive on very often.
(However, I could be wrong, I hope so :) )
Tor Hval <>

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